Cartesian Coordinate Space models for Space,
Time, & Mind:
Space, Time, Mind, & other big-category concepts
comprise the foundation for one’s World-view & much of all thought. Hiding in plain sight is the fact that one
single, small Idea is the repeated blueprint
for each & every one of these big-category concepts. For the most part, 1 (Time, Thought-flow, etc.) or 3 dimensions (Time, Thought-flow, etc.) model the "Container" concepts,
with the exception being the Visual "TV/Cinema–Screen of the
imaging Mind". The latter is most easily modeled as the familiar 2-D
Cartesian Container Coordinate Space learned in school for "graphs".
The "empty graph paper"
is the Cartesian Container Coordinate Space, the core constituent sub-concept
of all these Ideas. [Descartes’ Graph reflected that sense of a
"Space" with the grid from fishnets & later Greek geodesy
(latitude–longitude).] The
Graph’s particular 2-D Space is also the TV or Cinema Screen, the Visual Screen
of Image in the Mind (or on computer)
[with 3-D suggested by perspective as in
a drawing]. This one same empty expanse is the Container Space for all the
big-category concepts & is repeated for each one. Empty Space is like empty Time or empty Mind,
all just thought, & essentially the same thought. We’re just not used to recognizing that
similarity because we project Space & Time to be more than the thought of them. We project them to be objective
realities "on the
Each Container contains Coordinate Points or minute entities
like Moments, Locations, Thoughts or pieces of an Image, a Sound, or other
Sense Percept. But every such entity is
undefined without reference to a Central Origin, which on a Graph is the (0, 0)
crossing point of 2 Axes [3 in 3-D, 1 in
1-D]. The 1-D single Axis has a
Central Origin, (0), 3-D has (0, 0, 0).
The single Axis of Time serves also for Sound Sequence or Thought Flow.
Space may use for its Horizontal Axis [for X abscissa] West-to-East. Its Vertical Axis [for Y ordinate] may be East-to-North,
while its out-of-the-page [Z] Axis could be Down-to-Up.
Thoughts or pieces of an Image, a Sound, any Sensation or
Thought–form are [somehow]
arranged entities characteristic of a given Cartesian Container Coordinate
Space, all defined with reference to their respective Origins. So 2-D locations on the TV/Cinema/Visual–Screen
of the Mind are referenced to the Origin of Central Focus or mental
"Here". More proper 3-D
locations in "Physical" [perceived
that way] Space are referenced to the Origin of Physical Here. Thoughts are referenced in Mind to the Ego–I
or Me Origin. The 1-D Linear Thought–flow
& Sound–sequence are referenced, just as is Time itself to the Origin of the Now Moment. The 3-D Tactile & Visually Scanned World
of Objects in Physical Space could be said to have one’s Body as the
"Origin" which in this case is not an infinitesimal 0-D Coordinate
Point like the other Origins.
To flesh out that additional detail [among a number of imagined others] of these Container Coordinate
Spaces, we can see the Body as a small Micro-Container-Space in itself. The boundaries of a Micro-Container-Space
constitute the line dividing Inner from Outer, in that latter case between the
physically inner Me & the Outer World. A Micro-Container-Space in 3-D
Physical Space might be one’s Vicinity, in 1-D Time it might be one’s
Lifetime. A Micro-Container-Space around
a 2-D map of Mind’s thought or a 3-D or 4-D Space-Time of such thoughts could
be the Personality enclosing Ideas close around the Ego–Origin.
Back in the 3-D or 4-D World of Objects, where the Body, a
Micro-Container-Space in itself, serves as the best practical Macro-Origin for
Objects outside that Body. Similarly,
the Lifetime Micro-Container-Space could be a Macro-Origin for a longer scale
of Time, just as the Vicinity Micro-Container-Space could be a Macro-Origin for
a larger scales of Distance. The infinitesimal Now & Here Origins
still serve as Origins within the Time & Vicinity Micro-Container-Spaces.
If pressed for a "more infinitesimal" Origin within the Body
Micro-Container-Space which alone best serves as a Macro-Origin for the World
of objects, then such a more inner Origin might be the Brain within the Body,
or the Cortex, neither completely infinitesimal, but still rather discrete.
Each Macro-Origin/ Micro-Space is the same kind of "local
neighborhood" in each case. Body – Planet – Star system –
Galaxy – Groups etc. are successively larger Macro-Origin/
Micro-Spaces or "local neighborhoods".
Mathematical categories & curiosities aside, the point
of these simplistic models is to suggest that Mind, Time, Space, & the
World are not objective "givens" with fixed qualities. Different people experience these
differently, & each of us also does so differently at different times.
However modeled, or not, these big-category concepts are mental projections,
not fixed realities. The Coordinate Space models suggest that the same old
"space with a center" Idea is repeated over & over again for
Mind, Time, Space, & the World. More
importantly, these represent the net of Illusion that distracts us from
recognition of our core Identity, the Non-Dual Brahman, the Self of Absolute
Existence, pure Non-Dual Consciousness, & complete Happiness, Love, Bliss,
Peace, & Liberation
Mind of course includes all of those . But specifically
focusing on Mind itself as one of the Container-Spaces, ever with Thoughts as
the Coordinate Points & the Ego– I or Me as there reference Origin,
models for Mind appear in 5 different dimensional aspects:
0-D for the core
[false] Ego Identity, Me
1-D for the
sequence of Thought
for the visual screen of the Mind
for the theater of the Mind
for lifetime identity Personality, born, growing, dying in Waking State Time
The 1-D Space of Time overlaps somewhat with the Mind's 1-D
for the sequence of Thought, with Moments for the points on the Timeline with
Now another Origin along with Ego. Sound
& other Sequences compare as well, with Auditory Sense most aligned with
this 1-D as in the chart up above. Almost by default Olfactory & Gustatory
Senses matched up with 0-D, in some vague way.
Olfactory especially aligns a bit with Ego, or at least the Limbic
System in terms of fear & other Emotions.
Vision as been lined up internally with the 2-D Screen of
the Mind & also 3-D via Perspective &
internally in the Theater-Stage of
the Mind. But 3-D properly belongs to
Tactile [somato-sensory Somesthetic,
Proprioception, Nociception,
Haptic-touch including lateral motion, pressure, enclosure. contour following]
& Vestibular-balance. Yet even Tactile Senses, like Vision creates 3-D one
dimension at a time. Using 1-D
Time-sense we instinctively measure a visual scan or a feeling by how long it
takes in context, all things considered. This gives us the 1-D of Length as a Perceptual Concept. In some orthogonal sense [generalized "perpendicular" ], another Dimension is simultaneously "calculated" as Width & "multiplied so to speak " by Length to yield 2-D "Area" or general
"expanse". Again in another orthogonal
sense a 3rd Dimension is likewise "calculated" as Depth & "multiplied" again
to fill 2-D "expanse" out into tangible "volume" or Mass.
In this way Tactile & Visual Sense , create a 3-D World or ant given Object, one Dimension at a time,
quick enough to seem simultaneous.
So the chart op above loosely links the Senses with
big-category concepts/mental-projections. From there the ancient "elements"
or phases are, by serendipity, loosely matched to both Senses &
characteristic Dimensions, to some degree.
Even Fractal Dimensions can be worked into the Concept scheme. For one example, a 2-D sketch could contain
edges & outlines. Some 2 ½ Dimension could indicate the shading &
texture suggestive of 3-D. Likewise, 4-D
Space-Time has with Here & Now at (0,0,0,0) Origin.
So again, the World fills Space with Objects, etc. as points
with an extended Macro-Origin reference as the Body. While Hearing
naturally parallels Time in Sound & Music, all being mostly 1-D, Vision
naturally scans 2-D Screens suggestive of 3-D Space. These Sense Perceptions
along with Tactile, etc. Senses concretize a World. While the Body is an
extended or Macro-Origin reference Origin for the coordinate space of
the World, that same Body can be a Micro-Space in itself, with it own smaller
Macro-Origin as perhaps the Brain. The Body-skin marks the inside–outside
boundary in the World.
All the Space–Origin concepts are similare.
Self-Inquiry traces back along short or long routes from any of the above,
especially from Thoughts, questing "Whose thought?" "Mine." "Who am I ?" "Whence am I ?" which is to
say finding the "place" in Consciousness where the Ego-"I" seems to
arise. Find it to never arise there.
Remain as that Consciousness, the Non–Dual Self.
“The Absolute can only
be known by the Absolute within you.”
Master Nome